WATCH: Someone served the French President some eggs as he attended a hospitality event in France...

WATCH: Someone served the French President some eggs as he attended a hospitality event in France...

When you get eggs but not the way you want them...

WATCH: Someone served the French President some eggs as he attended a hospitality event in France...

What happens when you see someone famous in a public space? We generally get excited, even if we are not fans. However, there is definitely a line as to whether we will pull out our phones for a pic or not. 

When it comes to politics, it is a stretch for us to feel motivated enough to pull out our phones. It's just a topic with lots of contention, which we choose to steer away from. But some people use memes and eggs to share their true feelings...

The French President, Emmanuel Macron was participating at a hospitality event and as he proceeded with his guards, it became nothing short of a scrambled situation... (our attempt at punning).

A protestor threw an egg at the President’s head, "the egg bounced off his shoulder without cracking at the Eurexpo convention centre. (We wonder if it was soft or hard boiled). His security can then be seen ushering the politician away while others shout “be careful” in French." (Express UK)

The suspect was immediately arrested by the security services. But it was also mentioned that the President requested to speak to this young man, to find out more about his actions. 

"The assault was recorded by local publication Lyon Mag, who said the young man allegedly seen throwing the egg shouted "vive la révolution"." (Express UK

Check out the video footage below (courtesy of YouTube):

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