Gym locker room filming is prohibited yet some people don't respect this rule

Gym locker room filming is prohibited yet some people don't respect this rule

Come now, that is an obvious rule...

Locker room with benches
Locker room with benches/Pexels

As a gym goer, there are certain rules that you pick up when you join a gym. 

Some are unspoken but widely known (and respected), while some are openly spoken about and are not to be compromised on. 

One such rule is no photography or filming is allowed in the locker rooms. 

And this goes without saying, but just in case there is some misunderstanding, we will explain. 

No photography and filming is allowed because the locker room is a place where people shower and get ready, and sometimes this means they are nude or close to nude. 

But some people just forego the rules and do what they want regardless of the code of conduct. 

This guy who was filming his progress on his phone was received the wrong way, of course, because he decided to do this video inside the locker room.

Another gym goer expressed his objection to this and was made to look like he was being unreasonable. 

Can we just say, as much as we are not always cheerleaders for rules or codes of conduct, we do understand why they exist. 

And especially why we should all follow them. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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