Face the reality SA is in the third wave: Scientist

Face the reality SA is in the third wave: Scientist

A University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) scientist believes South Africa is already in the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic. 

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"The trend indicators now are on an upward trend and that is very clear. Even what we call our 'Positivity rate' - the proportion of people who become positive is going up. 

"We have to now face the reality of the fact that we are in a third wave and it's really unfortunate that the third wave is taking off at a time when we are also rolling out our vaccination," says Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation, Professor Mosa Moshabela. 

READ: Over 45 000 active Covid cases in South Africa

Moshabela says they've noticed the surge in positive cases is following the same trajectory as the country's second wave several months ago.

"If this is the case, then we can expect that the numbers we are seeing now will probably double in about two to three weeks and so it's important to implement restrictions now because it is those restrictions and the cooperation of South Africa that are going to determine exactly how high curve is going to go." 

READ: SA accounts for third of new Covid-19 cases in Africa - WHO

The latest figures released by the Health Department show that 4 623 new infections have been confirmed, bringing the number of active cases in the country to 42 895.

On Thursday, during a post-cabinet briefing, Acting Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said we would be hearing from the president soon on Covid-19 measures.

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