WATCH: A Huntsman Spider interrupts a COVID-19 update briefing by the Health Minister

WATCH: A Huntsman Spider interrupts a COVID-19 update briefing by the Health Minister

"We've got COVID and we've got Huntsman."

WATCH: A Huntsman Spider interrupts a COVID update briefing by the Health Minister
Instagram Screenshots/@bbc

There's just something special about live television, just like live radio, but the thing is that sometimes things don't go the way you plan them to. Hiccups do occur, and most of the time when they are captured, they are the most memorable moments we can have and look back on. 

In this case, it was a spider that made its debut on National Australian television. We don't blame the spider, if you want to make it big you gotta do what you gotta do, and if that means climbing up the Health Minister's leg to earn your fame, then so be it. 

At a recent COVID-19 update, the Health Minister was delivering her speech, in a calm and collected manner. A journalist interrupted her to say that she has a Huntsman Spider on her.

Yvette D'ath remained calm, and asked for help to get the spider off. The interesting part besides her calmness, was that Huntsman spiders are actually venomous. 

"Huntsmans are large spiders with a leg span of up to 15cm (six inches). Despite possessing venom, they are reluctant to bite and are not considered dangerous." (Instagram) Just reading that gives us the shivers...

WATCH the video below, courtesy of Instagram.

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We don't think many people would've reacted in this manner, so big thumbs up to her for keeping it together. TV or not, staying in control takes a lot of inner willpower. Perhaps this is part of the training they go through when being prepped to deliver news on live tele. 

Whatever it is, the spider and the Health Minister were not harmed. Also, even bigger respect goes out to her for continuing her update speech in the coolest way, as if nothing had happened. You would've found us jumping off that podium before you could finish saying "spider"...

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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