SEE: A tech way of remembering our loved ones after their burials

SEE: A tech way of remembering our loved ones after their burials

Would you think of using this as a way of remembering your loved ones? 

SEE: A techy way of remembering our loved ones after their burials...
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Losing a loved one is never something that is easy. It takes you through a range of emotions and feelings that can be difficult to deal with. Some deal better than others, but when it comes to remembering them, a man in El Salvador has created something innovative.

The putting up of a tombstone is meant to be ceremonial, it's a way of commemorating the life that the person led. But more than that, it is a symbol for the family, for the friends, and everyone who want to pay tribute to their lost loved ones. 

Frederick Meza, the creator of the Memorial QR site, has said that this invention is a way of us remembering those we have lost in the way they were in life. 

"Cemetery visitors can use their phones to scan the QR code, which links them to a website with a biography of the deceased and photos from their life." (MSN)

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He had a personal motivation with his invention as he lost his aunt who he considered as his second mother. 

"She “was like my second mother, she brought me closer to the world of literature to imagine stories,” said Meza, 37, a photojournalist and historian. “That’s why I am paying her this tribute." (MSN)

It is such an innovative way to ensure that a person's life is remembered and reflected in the best way. If you have to think about it, engraving a tombstone is very much like trying to craft the perfect tweet, you want to say so much but you are limited to a certain amount of characters. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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