End off the year with some happiness tips

End off the year with some happiness tips

How are you choosing to end the year? 

End the year off with some happiness tips
Unsplash Website

As we end off another year with no sense of light from the pandemic, we have to come to learn that true happiness comes from within. In order for us to truly grow from this experience, it takes will and it takes vigour. 

As South Africans, we are definitely resilient in nature, we pick ourselves up even when we feel we have had enough. So that alone should push us to end this year off on a positive note. A note of happiness.

An expert shares her top tips on happiness and we wanted to share them with you...

Natalie Dattilo, PhD, licensed psychologist professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who focuses on positive psychology and behaviour change, shares her tips for ringing in the new year with a sense of happiness.

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Her words run deep because we often attribute happiness to be a destination that we want to reach, but it's not about the destination, it's about enjoying the journey. And happiness should be an ongoing thing we get to experience. 

One of the things she shares is starting a routine of repeating a positive affirmation to yourself. Anything from writing it on your bathroom mirror, to a post-it note on your laptop, just remind yourself to speak positive things into existence. Research shows that this helps with a better well-being. 

This one is a great way of setting out what you want for the new year. She suggests asking yourself about your values, and assessing these in detail. Asking yourself questions like:

Dr. Dattilo goes in deep when she suggests that we always bring in the 'why' when it comes to the tasks that we prioritise. So merely asking, why is it important to me to complete this task, may just help you find the motivation to complete it. 

The last two suggestions are things that we know already, it's got to do with self acceptance and practicing gratitude for what you have today. The reality is that if you are not happy with what you have now, the illusive concept of attaining happiness once you have so and so in your life, will forever be unattainable. 

So be happy in the now, and show gratitude for all that you have now. Practicing gratitude daily helps you attain happiness from inside, and that will definitely reflect on the outside, just start and you will see the difference. 

We hope that no matter what you are going through, you can try these tips out and end this year off on a positive and uplifting note. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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