Happy World Kindness Day! When you hear the beat, all you need to do is join the shuffle

Happy World Kindness Day! When you hear the beat, all you need to do is join the shuffle

An American Police Officer reminds us that we all have a soft side...

WATCH: When you hear the beat, all you need to do is join the shuffle, Happy World Kindness Day!
Unsplash Website

It is World Kindness Day and we thought what better way to inspire kindness than to remind ourselves that kindness doesn't cost us anything. We admit that it can be consuming, life that is, but in order for us to push through, we must remember to have fun. 

Sometimes instead of letting all your stresses consume you, it's better to join the party. Whether that means dancing or laughing with friends and family, just taking time to be kind to yourself can be exhilarating. 

So when we saw this video, we were inspired to remember that as much as life can be challenging, what matters is how we respond to it. This police officer just felt the music and followed his gut and started dancing with civilians. 

It was a beautiful video to watch, especially because there is such a stigma surrounding law enforcement. So to see him behave this way, it allows us to see them in a different light, a light that reminds us that they too are human and go through stuff. 

Check out the video below, courtesy of Facebook.

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Kindness is the key to all things in life, and if we adopt a life of serving instead of complaining, it will lead to a world that is filled with more love and who knows, it could be the revolution we need. 

So in honour of World Kindness Day, we are encouraging you to do one small thing today that inspires some sort of kindness, whether that is kindness towards yourself, or someone else. 

Happy World Kindness Day! We wish you all happiness, love, and goodness...

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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