Baby shark makes a splash at St Mike's tidal pool in South Coast

Baby shark makes a splash at St Mike's tidal pool in South Coast

A baby shark surprised beachgoers at St Mike's tidal pool! Thankfully, with help, the shark was safely returned to the ocean.

Baby grey shark
Brendan Cluley / Private Guy - South Coast Living & Lifestyle / Facebook

St. Mike's Beach erupted in a frenzy this weekend after a surprise visitor took a dip in the tidal pool! 

A young grey shark became the centre of attention, with some witnesses suspecting it might have been accidentally (or maybe not-so-accidentally) left there by a fisherman, according to reports.

Social media buzzed with videos of the curious creature, although some bystanders (we’re looking at you, fishing-rod-wielding kids) weren't exactly giving it a warm welcome. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed.

While the high tide wasn't enough to free the little shark, the work of some quick-thinking beachgoers allowed the mini-predator to make a safe return to the ocean.

Reports state that a youngster, with the help of a few lifeguards, managed to capture the baby shark using a fishing rod and live bait. The sea creature was then safely released back into the sea.

But, hey, it’s not been all drama and stress at this beach! The unexpected guest actually brought a little excitement. 

Marcus Bengsch, owner of the beachfront C-Bali restaurant, told the South Coast Herald about how a surge of curious onlookers eager to catch a glimpse of the real-life 'Baby Shark' made their way to the area.

Speaking to East Coast Radio, Brendan Cluley of Private Guy - South Coast Living & Lifestyle explained how he spotted the baby shark.

Cluley noted that he loves going down to the beach every morning. On 19 May, Cluley said he spotted something in the tidal pool.

"I initially thought it was a big fish," he said. 

Upon realising that it was a shark, he captured the now-viral clip above. He explained that this is not a unique occurrence and that it happens when fishermen accidentally hook a shark. 

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