SEE: It's REALLY a boy! The 3D scan confirms it

SEE: It's REALLY a boy! The 3D scan confirms it

We can see Baby Archie's silhouette with this 3D scan!

Clarise Pieterse
Leman Media

We hate to say this, but Sky forgot to take a video or audio from the actual scan day. So, all we have right now are the pictures of our little baby Archie.

It is still amazing, of course! We would have loved to see Sky and Clarise's reactions or even hear how they felt at that moment. 

READ MORE: Meet Clarise - A teacher, free-spirit, and Sky's partner

Nevertheless, they went for their 3D scan on Thursday last week. 

We have fortunately been blessed to have been allowed by the couple to experience their journey with them. 

The news of Sky becoming a father has been received so warmly by KZN. 

EXCLUSIVE:Sky and Clarise's official gender reveal video

When it was revealed that they will be having a boy, he has since been dubbed 'Baby Archie'. 

He gave a reason for why he did not document the moment for us:

READ MORE: Sky and Clarise's 16-week pregnancy check-up: Is it a boy or a girl?

This is how Baby Archie is looking in mommy's tummy: 

Baby Archie scan
Baby Archie scan
Baby Archie scan

READ MORE: Misconceptions of Darren, Keri, and Sky - Keri is NOT vegan

We are elated to see that it's truly a boy - "a Zulu boy", as Sky said!

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Main Image Courtesy: Leman Media 

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