Parents, here's why your kids should never cross behind a bus!

Parents, here's why your kids should never cross behind a bus!

Dear parents, this must-watch video will literally make your heart stop. Warn your kids to never do this!

Kids crossing behind bus
Image: YouTube / hending 2017

We cannot stress enough the importance of teaching children the vital nature of knowing the signs and rules of the road, and looking both ways multiple times before crossing the road, but this video will show us that we forgot one important rule. 

A dashcam video from Norway shows kids coming off a bus and crossing the street behind it. The bus pulls away and the kids start running across the street. What happens next will leave you gasping for air!

Fortunately the trucker slammed on brakes and by some miracle, was able to stop just before he slammed into one of the kids. Apart from being shaken up, no one was harmed. Phew!  

Parents, please warn your children to never cross behind any vehicles... ever!

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