SEE: Massive python found near Westville ‘lion cub’ home

SEE: Massive python found near Westville ‘lion cub’ home

A python has been found on the same road where two lion cubs were captured in Westville this week. 

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Sharon Jenkins from the Dawncliffe Neighbourhood Watch Group says they responded to the scene.

"About six weeks ago, a report came out into Dawncliffe from a resident to say that their pet reticulated python had gone missing. 

"Of course, everybody was looking for this large python and wondering where it was. People were driving the streets to find it, but six weeks later we had not found it and didn't think we would every find it."  

READ: Two lion cubs removed from property in Westville

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Jenkins has a theory about why the large snake was there.

"So, did this python smell the cubs and come towards that area? We don't know."

Local snake catcher Nick Evans was also there.

ALSO READ: Police open case after lion cubs found on Westville property

"I had to kneel and reach down into the bush against the fence. I grabbed it, and I just needed someone to pull me out with the snake. It was quite easy. It was very relaxed and calm—it was much easier than dealing with some of our wild pythons." 

The python has been returned to its owner. 

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