Newcastle community to protest against farm murders

Newcastle community to protest against farm murders

The Newcastle community will take to the streets on Saturday in protest against farm murders - following the recent killing of a Normadien couple. 

Protest against farm attacks along N3

Glen and Vida Rafferty were attacked in their home on Saturday night.

They were ambushed as they returned to their farm from a social visit. 

Their killers ransacked their home and killed their dog as they waited for them to return.

READ: Family of slain Newcastle couple devastated by murders

Local farmer, Darrel Brown will be taking part in the protest. He says they want to bring more attention to the seriousness of farm attacks and their impact on the country.

"We as farmers, produce a huge amount of food that lands up in Pick n Pay and Checkers. It all comes from the farm. It doesn't come from Pick n Pay - it's produced on the farm, so we need to protect our production line and it starts with the farm."

Brown believes the government hasn't taken the issue seriously until now.

"This particular murder is one of the first times you have seen anything meaningful on the media. It the first time I'm aware that a minister has taken an interest even the deputy president.

"So this is being used by us as an opportunity to highlight to the world the importance of protecting the South African farming community." 

NOW READ: Cele: Police chasing strong leads in Newcastle farm murder case

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