Education MEC to deliver state of readiness for 2020 academic year

Education MEC to deliver state of readiness for 2020 academic year

KZN Education MEC Kwazi Mshengu will deliver the state of readiness for his department at Isivananda Technical School in KwaMashu on Monday. 

KZN Education MEC, Kwazi Mshengu

Mshengu is to roll out the plans to deal with challenges still facing the department and how they will be addressed this year.

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Education's spokesperson Kwazi Mthethwa highlighted some of the topics the MEC will touch on. 

"Issues of school safety will be part of that, the curriculum, schools that were damaged by storms and then the entire education system. The MEC will be able to touch on all these issues that are hindering the system of education from flourishing."

READ: 0% matric pass rate for three KZN schools

Educators return to work today ahead of school re-opening this Wednesday.

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