Centre for Child Law slams those encouraging children to loot

Centre for Child Law slams those encouraging children to loot

The Centre for Child Law has condemned the participation of children in sporadic looting sprees sweeping across KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. 

A member of the Durban Metro Police looks at a looted retail store in central Durban, on July 11, 2021. Several shops are damaged and cars burnt in Durban, following a night of violence. Police are on the scene trying to control further protests. It is un

It's lambasted those encouraging children to take part in the unrest. 

The centre says it's heartbreaking to see children among the crowds robbing businesses. 

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It says with schools closed, children, especially those in townships who don't have online learning tools, are being easily lured by looters. 

Spokesperson Stanley Malematja says it's not yet clear how many minors were arrested. 

However, he stresses that police must deal with them according to the Child Justice Act. 

"It is important to note that the detention of a child is a matter of last resort, then if it is impossible for that child to be released from detention, their detention must be for the shortest period of time. 

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"What comes with it is that children are separated from adults, boys are separated from girls and also take into account the age of the child."

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