Call for hospitality sector to champion fight against food waste

Call for hospitality sector to champion fight against food waste

A KwaZulu-Natal industrial engineer believes the hospitality sector should lead efforts to reduce food wastage.


Saijal Sucheran, who is an Industrial Technology alumna at DUT, has done research on the issue and recently presented her paper at a conference in Singapore. 

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She says about a third of the 31 million tonnes of food produced in South Africa - annually - goes to waste.

Her study looked at how restaurants in KZN are managing food waste and what can be done to reduce the amount being thrown out.

Sucheran says food wastage is more common in the hospitality sector.

"The lack of awareness basically from the funding and the lack of government legislation. I know other countries we could learn a lot from them regarding how they prevent their food wastage.

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"I know they go into donating for example. Obviously, there is a health and safety risk with that but at the same time, it can be done. If we learn from other countries and we have the funding or the legislation in favour of this."

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