Appeal for blood donors as KZN's supply hits critical low

Appeal for blood donors as KZN's supply hits critical low

The South African National Blood Service in KwaZulu-Natal says it only has two days of stock left.

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The service has made an urgent appeal to the public for blood donations.

Spokesperson, Sifiso Khoza says their reserves have been under severe pressure since the start of the lockdown.

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He says whenever blood stocks reach below two-days, it places the lives of newborn babies, accident victims, cancer-fighting patients at risk.

"In KwaZulu-Natal, if no donors come forward within the next two days, we would not have any blood to supply the hospitals and other doctors.

"We are kindly appealing to anyone to please take 30 minutes of their time and visit their nearest blood donor centres to donate one unit of blood, knowing that, that one unit of blood can save up to three lives. 

"It's not just blood, but it is saving the whole of the Southern African nation," says Khoza. 

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