Another student arrested in UKZN Westville protest

Another student arrested in UKZN Westville protest

Another UKZN student's been arrested at the Westville Campus for public violence. 

UKZN Westville
Khatija Nxedlana

A protest that started yesterday over accommodation, transport and Wi-Fi has continued today.

Police say the protesting student broke down doors on campus. Police have also had to use rubber bullets and teargas to disperse the crowds. 

She says a security guard has been hurt.

"There is a security guard that sustained an injury to the head after being hit with an unknown object. An 18-year-old suspect was then placed under arrest. Police are at the scene - monitoring and stabilising the situation," Mbhele said. 

Classes have been suspended for today and tomorrow. Yesterday, 17 students were arrested on campus for public violence.  

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