Introducing the world's first driving dogs

Introducing the world's first driving dogs

Yes! You read right, the world's first driving dogs have been identified and we're just as thrilled as you are.

driving dogs
Screenshot: Facebook: It's Coming home

The three-minute video shows exactly how the dogs received their title. It begins by showing the canine taking car lessons just like how anyone else would get their license.

A driving instructor stands outside the car and signals the dog on when to move and stop. Inside the car, there are cameras monitoring his position and paws as he manoeuvres the car around the track.

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The company giving the lessons are known as Driving Dogs, an SPCA in New Zealand which rescue stray dogs and train them to become 'smart dogs' so that they can get adopted and go to a loving home.

The dogs seemed to be strapped in, buckled up and ready to drive, to a worthy home!

See it here: 

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