WATCH: A bird and a drone get into an altercation over coffee...

WATCH: A bird and a drone get into an altercation over coffee

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WATCH: A bird and a drone get into an altercation over coffee...
YouTube Screenshots/@ABCNews

We love that many brands have become really smart when it comes to using tech to advance the way they interact with their customers. Since the lockdown hit, many companies have had to become more innovative in their approach.

When it comes to delivery, the use of drones has become the norm in many countries. Using drones to deliver fast food isn't something new or unfamiliar for many people. But when nature intervenes, we are not sure if tech can win this battle...

Air delivery, with all its perks, can definitely be tricky when a raven is nearby and wants to show you up - and in front of your customers, too.

"The video shows the bird preaching on the back of the drone and wrestling with it for some time. Then it starts pecking at the drone furiously. In such a situation, the drone drops the parcel from a height that is higher than usual. After a while, the bird flies away. The video was taken by Ben Roberts. He was waiting for his order via air delivery when he saw the raven attack the drone. He recorded the entire scene and uploaded it on YouTube." (NDTV Website)

WATCH the video below (courtesy of YouTube):

Ravens are quite aggressive when it comes to airspace, says expert Ornithologist Neil Hermes. And the area of Canberra, in which the air delivery was taking place, which happens to be called Haven Street (no jokes), there are many ravens who have their nests nearby. 

So perhaps this particular raven saw the drone as a threat and went in with a mission to attack. According to Ben Roberts, the air delivery recipient, the raven had its eyes on the drone from the day before.

Would you be keen on air delivery of this kind? Or do you think it would place some stress on our bird life?

Vic podcast
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of YouTube

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