"One man’s trash is another man’s treasure..." says a mom who became a dumpster diver!

"One man’s trash is another man’s treasure..." says a mom who became a dumpster diver!

A mother says goodbye to her 9-5 job and starts a new venture - dumpster diving!

"One man’s trash is another man’s treasure..." says a mom who left her 9-5 job to become a dumpster diver!
Facebook Screenshot/@TheQueenOfDiving

Working a 9am to 5pm job is completely acceptable if that's what you want from your life. Especially if what you do coincides with what you love. But what happens when you feel like you have another calling?

And what if that calling is not exactly what everyone expects of you? Perhaps it is unorthodox and unheard of, and we all know that when it comes to things that are unknown, many people get afraid and tend to shun you...

We heard about his mother's story and thought, wow, well done for her. Firstly for taking on something that many people would shun, but more than that for doing something different. 

The thing about finding your passion, it doesn't always have to be what everyone else is doing. It's okay to be a leader in your field, looking for a gap in what has been done and make it your own. Add your own personal touch to it...

That's what this mother, who calls herself the 'Queen of Diving', has done. And, no, not deep sea diving, but dumpster diving. Check out her success video reel on her Instagram page below...

"An enterprising 32-year-old has brought new meaning to the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Tiffany She’ree aka DumpsterDivingMama from Texas made the decision to leave her unfulfilling job and do what many people would consider unthinkable – dumpster dive. The crazy decision has turned out to be quite a lucrative one for her as she makes around $1000 (just over R14 000) while looking through trash for valuables that she sells at garage sales." (MSN)

She has found things like an unopened make-up set, a coffee machine worth over R10,000, and a usable skincare range that usually retails for around R17,000. So she has definitely found her niche and is now finally seeing it bring her some income. 

She has over two-million followers on TikTok and over 22,000 followers on Instagram. So she obviously has a following when it comes to content that people want to see. She does, however, get some slack from some people, who accuse her of stealing, but like most successful people, she focuses on the good and not the bad. 

Just goes to show you can do anything you want to do, you just have to make a move and get started...

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Facebook

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