Local woman facing charges for 'accidentally' not paying for items

Local woman facing charges for 'accidentally' not paying for items

A woman has posted to Reddit asking for help about her sister who 'accidentally' forgot to pay for items at a Pick n Pay store and is now facing charges.

Brown wooden gavel on brown wooden table
Brown wooden gavel on brown wooden table/Pexels/@EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA

Times are hard for many people and we cannot confidently say that they look like they are going to get better. 

But that is all about perspective. However, for one woman, it seems things are not looking in her favour. 

Her sister posted on Reddit to ask for help. Basically, the woman in question was shopping at Pick n Pay and 'accidentally' forgot to pay for a few items. 

What to do about accidental theft at Pnp
byu/iamashokatano inaskSouthAfrica

Her sister posted the following on Reddit

"What to do about accidental theft at PnP" 

"So my sister went to Pnp the other day and missed a few items at checkout (very little, like R100 worth of stuff) and when she left the detectors beeped and they searched through her bags and then said there were stolen things and she offered to pay and said it was an accident, but they wouldnt le her and she had to talk to the manager and they called the police and she had to go to the station. Now she has a court date and we can't afford proper lawyers, but I don't know if the state-assigned lawyers are going to do any good. What do we do? She doesn't have a record or any offenses, it was just an accident that spiraled way out of control.

"Edit because people keep asking: The items she took was yeast, cheese and mustard" 

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No shade-throwing, but many people on the post were confused by the occurrence. Many people questioned how the detectors beeped when these items usually aren't tagged. 

The thing is that if you have ever been shopping at a big store and unpacking your own items, you will know that sometimes things get left behind by accident. 

People accused her of not telling the full story or perhaps that her sister was not speaking the truth about what happened. 

Many people were dissecting her story,  but we only noticed a few who advised her to seek out an attorney or get legal aid. We hope that whatever the situation turns out to be, she gets the advice she needs. 

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