FASHION: How ripped is ripped? The ripped jean trend...

FASHION: How ripped is ripped? The ripped jean trend...

Go naked or go home is what we think she was going for...

Woman wearing scraps of ripped jeans showing off her skin
Woman wearing scraps of ripped jeans showing off her skin/Twitter/@kunta_kiddd

If the world of fashion is not about making a bold statement, then what is it there for? 

But within that boldness comes the possibility of either crossing a line and being absolutely fabulous, creating a trend and blowing up for that...

Or crossing that line and failing at it dismally and becoming a billboard of how NOT to wear it...

In this case, it was a woman who blew up online for taking the ripped jean trend too far.

And when we say 'too far,' we mean tooooo farrrrr... 

The line between making something 'fashionable' and being an eye sore, can be quite thin. But we have to give this woman one thing, and that is the confidence she possessed to take this chance.

A woman walked around in what we would like to call framed jeans. The reason? The actual meaty part of the jean that covers your legs are no longer there, and all you can see is the framed part of the jean. 

The inside is completely ripped out, hence we speak about how ripped is ripped? 

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Check out the pics of her below, courtesy of Twitter

*Please note that these images may be disturbing to sensitive viewers. 

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