This boyfriend unlocked his girl's phone whilst she was asleep to...

This boyfriend unlocked his girl's phone whilst she was asleep to...

You won't believe why...

This boyfriend unlocked his girl's phone whilst she was asleep to...
Unsplash Website

When you think about smart devices, there is always something that makes us think about the way around the security. Then when you think about passwords and privacy, the sense of security leaves us with a sense of safety. But does it really?

Not so much, with more and more ways of securing your device and your personal information, there are more and more ways of hacking through it. And sometimes that means in the most simplest of ways...

Smartphones have upped their security game, so now you can add biometrics to the list of security features on your mobile device. But the thing they don't tell you when they are selling the phone is that it also comes with risks (guess this is sold separately). 

A boyfriend who wanted to access his girlfriend's phone, not for the reasons you think, has proved that you cannot trust just anyone. He went to some measure to get access to her eye scan and fingerprint protected phone. 

"A Chinese man has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison after he stole money from his ex-girlfriend by using her fingerprint and lifting her eyelids open to unlock her cellphone while she slept." (Business Insider)

The man, who is known as Huang, went to visit her at her apartment last December whilst she was unwell. He cooked her a meal and dowsed her with cold medicine, to get her into a deep sleep. How evil to mask your true intentions with a sense of care, right?

After lifting up her eyelid to unlock her Alipay app, which is a Chinese online payment platform, he proceeded to change her password and stole 154,000 yuan (R380,000). All to pay off his gambling debt...

The good news is that he has been jailed for his nastiness, but the great news, the Alipay team offered compensation in the rare event of theft. So at least she's not left with nothing from the experience. 

They encouraged users to create multiple locks on their accounts, which we think is a great tip for any online payment platform you have on your phone. 

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Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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