How to encourage yourself - according to a Life Strategist

How to encourage yourself - according to a Life Strategist

If you're feeling discouraged, it's time to take a stand. It all starts with you, and thanks to Life Strategist Ica Mbebe, she has a few tips to help you along the way to help you work through it. 

Life strategist Ica Mbebe / Abhi Indrarajan
Life strategist Ica Mbebe / Abhi Indrarajan

Listen to week 16 of our journey or read below:

Encouraging yourself promotes self-change. Positive affirmations help re-program the subconscious mind, to encourage us, and to find our place within in. 

READ: Life strategist talks visualising your true self

In week 16, I will go through ways to encourage yourself and to not think that all is lost in any situation. 

Reflective Questions 

  • Write down five positive affirmations about yourself. Repeat daily. 
  • What’s your favourite memory? 

Listen to the podcast to learn more.

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