Life strategist talks visualising your true self

Life strategist talks visualising your true self

Life strategist Ica Mbebe wants you to see yourself in a different light as we move into week 15 of our journey to self-discovery.

Life strategist Ica Mbebe / Abhi Indrarajan
Life strategist Ica Mbebe / Abhi Indrarajan

Listen to week 15 of our journey or read below:

Visualisation without action is futile because mental preparation and inspired action are both necessary to bring your desires to life. 

It helps you change your thought processes and patterns, moving away from negative circumstance to an attainable future.

Reflective questions for this week:

  • Write down the type of person you wish you could be. Create an avatar. What’s their personality? Where do they work and live? How do they react to difficult situations? Think about ways you can bridge the gap between who you are and the avatar you created. 
  • If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be and why? 

Listen to the podcast to learn more.

Catch up on other episodes below:

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