Jane accidentally played the wrong voice note on radio!

Jane accidentally played the wrong voice note on radio!

We've all become lovers of voice notes, but they can be dangerous too. One wrong click and your note can go to the wrong person!

Simon's voice note

You guys all know how much I love attention to detail, and on a live radio show, detail is everything!  

Yesterday, while on air, my producer Simon played the wrong voice note - not cool, but so funny! 

Read: Pietermaritzburg pupil suspended for racist voice note

In the voice note, it's clear that Simon's girlfriend asked him to get some personal 'female' products for her at the shops, and by the sound of it, the poor soul could not make sense of the millions of items on the shelves! I cringed for a moment but couldn't help but laugh on the inside.

Read: You won’t believe the voice note that Bongani received

One of Simon's friends heard the voice note and found it as funny as I did! She took to Facebook to share what she thought of his epic fail.

Simon's voice note

Shame Si, don't worry, us girls also have cringe-worthy moments in the sanitary aisle!

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