Could this woman have the world's smallest waist?

Could this woman have the world's smallest waist?

Could this be the world's skinniest woman? What do you think?

skinny woman

Women everywhere always find themselves talking about their weight. It's just a thing that society has become used to.

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I've come across many women who are constantly on about how many kilos they need to shed and I'm constantly reading the crazy diets that are out there - which many jump at the opportunity to try out. 

I came across a picture of Maria Pogrebnyak-Shatalova, a fashion and fitness entrepreneur who has come under fire from many on social media for being far too skinny. She recently took to her Instagram to show off her 23-inch waist (that's about 59cm for us South Africans). To put things into perspective, her waist is almost the size of an average seven-year-old. 

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As you know, we are plugged into a world that is extremely image, body, and weight conscious. Striving for balance and wellness is a daily struggle. Well, for me anyway.

I don't think it's a question of if she is too skinny as it's her journey. However, I do feel a little sad for her as life is for living and letting go - eating that greasy burger every now and then. The danger with this type of message that she's put out there is the impression that people will get when they see this and think 'this is what I should aspire to be?'.

You and your relationship with your body is yours and it's a personal one. It should not to be used as a comparison.

Пост навеян вашими вопросами. Каждый день в Директе люди спрашивают как следить за фигурой, если у тебя трое детей, много работы и совсем нет времени. Многие пишут, что набрали вес и нет возможности (времени и/или денег) заниматься в тренажёрном зале. Многие занимаются дома самостоятельно, делают приседания - но это не помогает. Нужна мотивация и все-таки нужен наставник, тренер. Потому, что, получая физически нагрузки, мы выходим из зоны комфорта. И нам уже не охота))) очень хорошая есть программа - @sportvnarod, покупаешь всего за 3000 р. доступ, делаешь фото "до", выполняешь программу личного (!) тренера-онлайн + диетолога с 15-летним стажем, потом делаешь фото "после" и выигрываешь призы (главный - 1 млн. руб!) Тренер сначала выясняет особенности твоего здоровья, образа жизни, а потом назначает лично под тебя программу. Новая смена там стартует 1 апреля💪🏽 Не благодарите😘😇 #sportvnarod

A post shared by Maria Pogrebnyak-Shatalova (@mariapoga_) on

Do you think this lady is fit or just far too skinny?

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