The most annoying sound ever made turns 20!

The most annoying sound ever made turns 20!

It's the ringtone we all loved to hate! The 'Crazy Frog' turns 20!

Crazy frog

The sound was engineered by student Daniel Malmedahl in 1997 when he was trying to make the sound of an internal combustion engine, and years later it became a viral sensation!

The song was discovered by a Swedish TV channel and he was asked to perform it on air.

In 2003, Erik Wernquist used the sound and animated it using a little blue frog, which he titled 'The Annoying Thing'. It received so much attention that it was renamed "Crazy Frog' by ringtone marketers and in mid-2004 it hit the market.

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The sound turned into two popular video games and went viral before even going viral was a 'trend'.

Crazy Frog was later remixed by Axel F and became one of the most successful singles of 2005, and it took over the world!

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