Dricus can sing?! SA blown away by masked singer in "beast mode"

Dricus can sing?! SA blown away by masked singer in "beast mode"

Everyone's favourite UFC Middleweight Champion has the voice of an angel! 

Dricus the masked singer
Dricus the masked singer/ TikTok screenshot

Dricus du Plessis has done South Africa proud by obtaining the title of UFC Middleweight Champion, but he has a hidden talent...


Dressed in extravagant disguises, 16 unidentified celebrities showcase their vocal talents on 'The Masked Singer' stage, with varying levels of skill, all vying for the coveted trophy.

Dricus took on this challenge and belted out some tunes. He had the nation in shock when it was revealed that the Wildebeest was actually the UFC champ. 

Read More: Dricus du Plessis on if the UFC will come to South Africa

Watch Dricus pull off the performance of a lifetime:

@maskedsingerza Which performance of his was your favourite? #MaskedSingerSA @dricusduplessis ♬ original sound - The Masked Singer South Africa

Should Dricus have opted for a career in music instead of fighting?

This is the consensus among many fans who were blown away by his performance. One online user describes Dricus as entering into "beast mode" during this challenge. 

"I sing a lot. I sing in the shower," shares the MMA professional. Mzansi is marvelling over how talented Dricus is after his stellar performance: 

Read More: Sky attends Betway SA20 final, meets Dricus du Plessis

Will Dricus dive into the music scene after his fighting career? Only time will tell. 

"Hulle Weet Nie Wat Ons Weet Nie"

Stay tuned for more, we will bring you the latest at East Coast Radio. 

Read More: KZN shoots quick-fire questions at Dricus du Plessis



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Image courtesy of TikTok screenshot 

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