The Willicotts have created South Africa's first glitter bombs!

The Willicotts have created South Africa's first glitter bombs!

Definitely something we have to get for Carol Ofori...

The Willicott's have created SA's first glitter bombs...they were tired of boring drinks...
Instagram Screenshot/@KindadifferentSA

We've heard our fair share of business success stories that were birthed due to COVID-19, but this has got to be the most sparkling...

A couple from Cape Town decided that their drinks weren't exciting enough...

Of course, if you ask us, that's totally subjective, but we're always here when it comes to trying out new things. Gary and Helena Willicott decided to jump on the cotton candy glitter bomb trend and came up with South Africa's first glitter bombs.

If you're wondering what a glitter bomb is, then please don't Google it. The results are not what we're talking about here...

Rather let us break it down for you. 

"A glitter bomb is a fluffy piece of flavoured candyfloss that contains edible glitter. As the candyfloss dissolves, it releases the flavour and glitter into the drink..." (SA People)

Sounds cool doesn't it? Well, wait until you hear the rest of it. They have created not one, not two, but 36 different flavours!

We love the way they have approached their advertising, it may not be award-winning but it's certainly entertaining. It's simple and easy to understand what Kinda Different is all about. 

Check out one of their videos from Instagram

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They really have a flair and passion for their product and it's certainly something that sounds exciting. It certainly adds some sparkle to any drink...

Would you try this out? Check out their information on Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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