How did he get there? Zipliner interrupts sloth

How did he get there? Zipliner interrupts sloth

This is what happens from time to time when you are enjoying nature; an animal looks at you like, "Who invited you?"

A boy is ziplining and comes across a sloth
A boy is ziplining and comes across a sloth/Twitter Screenshot/@crazyclipsonly

It can be said that when you are out in nature, you can expect to see the unexpected. 

And in this video, we saw that to be absolutely true. When a young man launches off on his ziplining experience, things look majestic. 

A man who sets off behind him videos the whole experience and it feels like we are on the zipline with them. 

But their journey soon becomes one filled with panic when we hear the man say, "Don't worry, don't worry!".

Naturally, when someone says that, we instinctively worry. 

We then hear the boy say: "It's a sloth!" 

In South Africa, we don't get sloths. They are mostly found in South and Central America. 

Check out the video below, courtesy of Twitter

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We love how the boy asks if they should just wait. Like, what else can be done? 

It's so easy for us to forget that in many instances when we are out in nature that we are in the animal's home. 

That means we don't get to dictate anything to them. Let's be more understanding and mindful to that fact.

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