#AppreciationMonday: A mother passing on the love to a fellow mother

#AppreciationMonday: A mother passing on the love to a fellow mother

Just another reason to stay in our beloved country - kindness!

Dinosaur plush toy lying on tiled floor
Dinosaur plush toy lying on tiled floor/Facebook/@hastagimstaying

There are moments where many South Africans have expressed their desire to leave home.

But as we always say, each to their own. 

However, when we look at the #ImStaying Facebook page, and read the many stories of South Africans, it leaves us feeling hopeful. 

The most recent story was shared by a mother by the name of Michelle van Dyk. She shared how recently she was able give back and that believing in the good in the world is what we all should always remember. 

Van Dyk and her little boy visited Mugg and Bean on Women's Day, and the little boy latched onto his new dinosaur toy. 

As they chatted with the waiters, one waitress shared how her son also likes dinosaurs. And she asked where Van Dyk purchased the dinosaur and how much it was. 

Michelle shared the following on her Facebook post:

"She asked where I had bought it - and how much I had paid for it. So I told her...and I could see on her face that she would not be in a position to spend money on this toy...but if she could, she would've bought her son one too.

"With the increase in the cost of living, we all feel the impact. So, on my walk home, I looked at my son clinging onto his Dinosaur teddy...and I turned around, and so we bought another (the last Dinosaur teddy that was left)."

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Her kindness wasn't overthought or put on, it was one mother trying to be there for another. 

One mother trying to spread the joy with something that seems simple, but actually speaks volumes. 

She ended off the post with the delightful and heartwarming ending.

"We walked back to Mugg and Bean and they called the waitress to the front...her face...when she saw us with another Dinosaur....words cannot express. We all left in tears.

"Tonight, another little boy will find some joy 🙂

"*Always believe that there is good in this world*" (Facebook)

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