Retailer resorts to peculiar way of selling chocolates
Is this a way to curb theft in the store?
Is this a way to curb theft in the store?
What seems like an innocent and kind gesture might turn on you with the ...
What seems like an innocent and kind gesture might turn on you with the ...
Hey, we get it; that's a bargain if we ever saw one, as avocados can get...
Ah, the disappointing, yet satisfying joys of catching someone in a lie...
Surely this was a mistake caught on camera?
After she was shocked to find out about the price of a box of Kit Kat ce...
Last week, we covered a story of a shopper saying she was shocked at the...
We are not sure how we feel about this and the fact that one mom shared ...
Surely this must be some sort of printing mistake?
Should this mom be concerned about her kid's spelling?
This online quiz will quickly reveal how your degree of psychopathy meas...
The new immigration policy is aimed at attracting skilled workers and bo...
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