Women's body found at KwaMashu primary school

Women's body found at KwaMashu primary school

Counsellors will be sent to a primary school in KwaMashu, north of Durban where a group of children discovered the body of a woman on the premises. 

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KwaZulu-Natal Education says children have been left severely traumatised.  

At this stage, the woman's identity is not known.  

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The department's Muzi Mahlambi says she was not staff member at Dumani Junior Primary School.

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Her body was found in a toilet cubicle in the girls' restroom.

"Out psychological services will be sent to the school to debrief the learners, especially the child who discovered the body," he said.

"We are appealing to communities to respect our schools at all times."

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Police confirmed the incident saying an inquest docket has been opened for investigation at KwaMashu Saps.

A spokesperson says the cause of death is still unknown at this stage, as there were not visible signs of injury.

The woman is believed to have been in her twenties.

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