WATCH: Durban beachgoers scurry after arrival of police

WATCH: Durban beachgoers scurry after arrival of police

eThekwini Municipality says a video showing people relaxing at one of the beaches in the city is embarrassing - especially as COVID-19 cases soar.

Durban beachgoers scurry after arrival of police

The footage - said to have been taken on the North Coast over the weekend - shows beachgoers, some with children, picnicking and swimming - among other activities. 

They're then seen hurriedly picking up towels, picnic baskets and surfboards and running off the beach when they see police arrive.

City spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela says there'll be consequences for those who flout the lockdown rules.

"We are still under lockdown as much as we are on Level 3 - people must not disregard the regulations," says City spokesperson, Msawakhe Mayisela.

READ: SASSA expands COVID-19 grant payment options

"Beaches are not opened - the only thing that is allowed is for you to go and walk. 

"But for groups to go there and spend some time - that is not allowed. That is a recipe for disaster. 

"So let us all behave properly because our failure is going to create a dangerous state of affairs," says Mayisela.

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