US students stage walkout against gun violence

US students stage walkout against gun violence

Thousands of American students have staged a national walkout - demanding stricter gun laws. 

US National Walkout

Seventeen minutes were dedicated to each pupil killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida last month.

A former student who was previously identified as a potential threat to his classmates, opened fire using a AR-15 rifle at the high school. 

Students held up signs that read 'fear has no place in schools', 'gun laws work' and 'enough' as youngsters gathered in Florida, New York and Washington DC with some rallying in front of the White House. 

This is the biggest shooting since 2012 when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot dead 28 people - of which 20 children were between six and seven years old.

Following yesterday's nationwide march, the Senate will be considering a bill that garnered 407-10 votes - and passed by Congress - to fund security and anti-violence measures at schools.

ALSO READ: INFOGRAPHIC: US shootings in 2017

Prosecutors are asking for the death penalty for 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz - the gunman facing 17 charges of premeditated murder.

His lawyers say he would plead guilty in exchange for the guarantee that he would not face execution. 

See images from the march below. 

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