Umzinyathi taxi route to close due to ongoing violence

Umzinyathi taxi route to close due to ongoing violence

KwaZulu-Natal Transport MEC Bheki Ntuli says his department has taken steps to close the Umzinyathi taxi route following ongoing violence.

ladysmith taxi rank

Addressing journalists at the Inanda police station on Thursday, he said the taxi industry in the province faced a myriad of problems.

Ntuli says the problem in the region emanates from ongoing power struggles. 

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The Umzinyathi to Durban taxi route has seen a number of shootings and Ntuli says if successful they will replace taxis working the routes with a reliable bus service.

"Also we know that comes with a strain, a strain that if 18 people are attacked in a kombi and the bus is carrying over 65 people, so you will be exposing a lot of people in terms of numbers to danger. 

"This is why we said, lets put security structures in place so that policing is visible in the area," says Ntuli. 

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