Tear gas, rubber bullets fired at protesting UKZN students, SRC claims

Tear gas, rubber bullets fired at protesting UKZN students, SRC claims

Some University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) students have taken to the streets after they were denied access to the Howard College campus on Wednesday.

UKZN suspends registration at Howard campus following fees protests
Sandile Zikhali

On Tuesday, the university suspended the academic programme for the week following violence and intimidation reported at some campuses.

READ: UKZN, student leaders to meet amid protests at some campuses

Then on Wednesday, about 300 people gathered on Lamont Road after they were turned away by university security and the situation became volatile.

"Currently, the situation is that learners were are on campus to get their student cards in order to gain access to the university. They were not allowed in," says the UKZN SRC's Sanele Phewa.

"That's were the confrontation between the learners and the university's private security ensued.

ALSO READ: DUT shuts campuses in wake of violent protests

"Pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets were fired at the students. As we speak, there is a student that used their last money travelling from Mpumalanga who had hope they would be allocated space in the student residence again." 

The city's metro police are urging motorists to avoid Lamont Road as it is closed due to the protest action.


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