Sanral moves to reinstate toll fees at oThongati, uMvoti plazas

Sanral moves to reinstate toll fees at oThongati, uMvoti plazas

National roads agency SANRAL says it's looking at reinstating the payment of toll fees at the oThongati and uMvoti toll plazas, north of Durban.

N2 Tongaat Toll
Five Things You Need To Know As You Wake Up: Toll fees suspended on N2 route/Jayshree Parasuramen

A decision to suspend payment of fees at these tolls came after the R102 and M4 were damaged during the April floods in 2022.


Repairs to the road and freeway have since been completed.


SANRAL's spokesperson Dumisani Nkabinde says they've written to the Minister of Transport about these plans


He says if everything's approved, motorists will start paying fees at these tolls from 1 February.

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"What normally will follow is that the minister will publicise the gazette and after that is issued there will be a 14 days notice to the public. So, as it stands in the process, it hasn't been concluded, and we haven't received anything from that side.


“So it's a bit premature to talk about it now but that's the process we are on. Once we have the figures we will inform the public on the resumption of toll.”

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