SAHRC to hold hearings over ‘water crisis’ in uThukela

SAHRC to hold hearings over ‘water crisis’ in uThukela

Communities in uThukela say they are pleased KwaZulu-Natal's water crisis is to be the subject of SA Human Rights Commission hearings.


The SAHRC's decided to hold public hearings, saying it's been inundated with complaints about various water-related challenges in the province, including access, for years. 

Among other things, the inquiry will look into the extent of these issues, systemic violations and the government's response. 

The week-long public hearings will begin next Monday. 

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DA uThukela councillor Thys Janse van Rensburg says they have been filing complaints for investigations since 2020.

"Factories have been affected. Employers have been affected, rural communities that have been sitting without water to places with the Colenso orphanage and that has been sitting without water for two weeks with 150 young kids that they need to feed and bath daily, which they can't because they don't have water. 

"It has affected everyone across uThukela, even the farmers, because of the pollution of raw sewage running into the waterways. It is a real calamite and it is a crisis coming for some time now."


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