SAHRC to rope in water experts to resolve eThekwini supply woes

SAHRC to rope in water experts to resolve eThekwini supply woes

The South African Human Rights Commission will meet water experts early next month to help solve the water supply problems in eThekwini.

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The commission says the metro's failure to meet its self-imposed deadline last week to restore supply to parts of the city is concerning. 


eThekwini recently postponed a 24-hour planned shutdown of the northern aqueduct, which it said was to allow for the installation of new valves.


SAHRC KZN manager Pavershree Padayachee says the city's water situation is having a devastating impact on the lives of residents.

READ: eThekwini to shut northern water pipeline for 24 hours


"The commission is particularly concerned that the metro has failed to meet its self-imposed deadline of 15 February 2024. The metro had committed to resolve the ongoing water supply challenges to affected areas by Thursday, 15 February 2024. The commission in its inquiry report found that Water Services Authorities, such as the metro, were in violation of the rights to access clean drinking water. 


"The commission is concerned that not much seems to be done to arrest this ongoing violation of the constitutional right to have access to water in the metro. The commission is doubtful that the metro has the capacity to turn this dire situation around. This is so particularly given that a report indicates that the water and sanitation unit of the metro, which is a key vehicle in water provision, has no strategic business plan in place and is currently beset by 52% vacancy rate.


"In that regard, and in line with its mandate of taking steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated, the commission will on 6 March 2024 convene a meeting of water experts who reside in the metro, and who share in the common and mutual interest of finding solutions to the water challenges in the metro."

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