Ramaphosa should give Andre de Ruyter whistleblower protection - ANC Veterans League

Ramaphosa should give Andre de Ruyter whistleblower protection - ANC Veterans League

The ANC Veterans League has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to give former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter whistleblower protection.

Ramaphosa briefing on Eskom crisis
Twitter.com/PresidencyZA / Screengrab

The call comes after De Ruyter made explosive claims of criminality at Eskom against a high-level politician and the ANC during a television interview with eNCA. 

Convenor, Snuki Zikalala says De Ruyter's departure is not something to be welcomed or celebrated. 

"It is a further reflection of the sad status of state-owned entities, the challenges of corruption and poor governance facing Eskom, and the impossible pressures that senior leadership in our country are subjected to," says Zikalala. 

READ: Andre de Ruyter to leave with 'immediate effect'

"Andre de Ruyter has not kept it a secret that there is serious corruption and criminal activity at Eskom and that this has hampered his efforts to turn Eskom around and limit load shedding." 

Zikalala says De Ruyter was obligated by the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities (PRECCCA) act to report the matter to the Hawks. 

"He may or may not have done so, we do not know. However, now that he has resigned, he is a whistleblower. We call upon him to put his allegations to the appropriate forums for investigation and call upon the President to afford him the protection of a whistleblower, bearing in mind that our legislative whistleblowing protections are weak." 

ALSO READ: Calib Cassim appointed as Eskom interim CEO

"Whether or not the allegations of De Ruyter are true, we should use this incident to once more reflect on what can be done to address corruption, crime and poor service delivery in our state institutions. 

"The position of the Veteran's League is that this is precisely what the ANC should do to regain credibility and public support." 

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