POPCRU says Stats SA crime data inaccurate

POPCRU says Stats SA crime data inaccurate

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) has claimed the frequently released national crime stats are both inaccurate and inconclusive. 

Police Minister Bheki Cele crime stats 20 May

Measures to update the nation on a quarterly period on various levels and categories of crimes have been adopted by the Police Ministry as a means to improve tracking and combat the trends.


Recently stats for April to June were unpacked by Police Minister Bheki Cele, and the picture shows some crimes remain an issue with KZN still the country’s murder capital. 

READ: Most murders reported in Inanda, Umlazi


Popcru’s Richard Mamabolo says the data on which the stats are based is incomplete as it only takes into account the number of arrests and reported crimes and not successful convictions. 


He says this makes the data unreliable. 


"We thing that there should be some form of synergy between the three departments being; the SAPS, the Judiciary and the Department of Correctional Services.


"Because it places a wrong impression that if the minister doesn't feel that there were 500 people arrested, the impression is that 500 people were behind bars, yet you would find that over half of those have not been found guilty in the courts which means the conviction rate would be lower."   

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