PMB family mourns girl (4) electrocuted by transformer

PMB family mourns girl (4) electrocuted by transformer

The mother of a four-year-old Pietermaritzburg girl who was electrocuted this week says her family is still traumatised by what happened

Pietermaritzburg girl electrocuted

Amukelwa Mohammed was shocked by a transformer while on her way to a shop.

Her distraught mother, Luyanda Zakwe says she rushed back from work to take her to hospital. 

"When I got at the hospital, the doctors put her in the bed, after 20 minutes, they called me inside and they told me that she has passed away. The family is not coping at all especially the children," she said. 

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"They are not coping because they saw the whole thing and the kids are starting to write exams now, so they are very traumatized." 

She says for years, transformers in the area have not been fenced off.

She says it and only yesterday she spotted the municipality fencing transformers in the area. 

An inquest docket has been opened.

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