Only one accused granted bail in Brendin Horner murder case

Only one accused granted bail in Brendin Horner murder case

Sekwetje Mahlamba, who is accused number one in the Brendin Horner murder case, has been denied bail by the Senekal Magistrate’s Court.

Brendin Horner

Mahlamba and his co-accused Sekola Matlaletsa appeared before Magistrate Deon van Rooyen on Thursday.


Matlaletsa was granted R5 000 bail.


"I would be failing in my duties to keep accused number 2 in custody just because his release on bail may cause public disturbance or undermine peace and security. To keep him in custody would be nothing but a form of anticipatory punishment which our courts have previously warned against," said Van Rooyen.

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Matlaletsa has been ordered not to leave Senekal and to report to the nearby Paul Roux Police Station 3 times a week until the conclusion of the case.


The magistrate said there is no prima facie evidence at this stage that links Matlaletsa to the crime.


Van Rooyen, however, said there is a prima facie case against Mahlamba.


"Although there is no direct evidence that links him to the commission of the crime there are certain facts points towards his involvement in the commission of the crimes he is alleged to have committed.”


Mahlamba's girlfriend is said to be a key witness in the case.


The case has been postponed to December.

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