No wage deal reached with universities: Nehawu

No wage deal reached with universities: Nehawu

Workers' union, NEHAWU says it will continue with its strike action at universities across the country. 

Unisa protest in Durban
Lethiwe Mdluli, Nushera Soodyal

Workers at UNISA and DUT - among others - have downed tools demanding better wages and working conditions. 

Spokesperson, Khaya Xaba says no agreements have been reached.

"The strike action is going ahead because of the deadlock at all universities - with demands of 7.5% increase at UNISA, workers are still demanding 10% at DUT," he says.   

ALSO READ: NEHAWU members to continue Unisa strike until demands met

Students blocked roads outside UNISA in Durban yesterday saying the strike has left them unable to register.

The university said earlier in the week that it remains open to salary negotiations with the help of the CCMA. 

Meanwhile, DUT is expected to provide an update on the industrial action there today.

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