No evidence of weapons loaded onto Lady R, says Ramaphosa

No evidence of weapons loaded onto Lady R, says Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa says a panel investigating claims of a weapons shipment from South Africa to Russia has concluded its probe. 

Ramaphosa appoints Phineas Mojapelo to head ‘Lady R’ panel

The panel was appointed after America's ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety said that the US believed weapons and ammunition were loaded onto Russian cargo ship, the Lady R, at the Simonstown naval base in the Western Cape in December.


"For this investigation, the panel found no evidence that any cargo of weapons was loaded for export on to the ship Lady R," Ramaphosa said in a televised address on Sunday evening. 


"More than 100 documents was submitted to the panel for examination a number of entities and persons that have pubilicly claimed to have information on this matter were invited to make submissions to the panel. Many of those invited either failed to do so or said they had no independent knowledge of the relevant facts."


The claims resulted in South Africa's position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict being questioned globally. 


Ramphosa said the claims hurt our economy and standing in the world.  

 READ: Ramaphosa set to receive ‘Lady R’ report on Friday

He said Lady R docked at Simonstown to deliver equipment ordered by procurement company Armscor for the SANDF. 


"Neither Amscor nor SANDF has any control of the means through which the supplier of the ordered equipment transports them to South Africa."

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