Msunduzi warns those owing the municipality to pay up

Msunduzi warns those owing the municipality to pay up

Pietermaritzburg residents and businesses with outstanding utility bills are being warned by the municipality that they could lose their properties - if they fail to pay.

Electricity bill

Msunduzi Municipality recently received a qualified audit opinion from the Auditor-General due to concerns over the City's debt policy control and debt collection measures.

The AG especially flagged Msunduzi's inability to collect money owed for electricity and water.

READ: AG's finding shows eThekwini 'is collapsing' - ActionSA

The municipality says it aims to settle its R194 million Eskom debt within three months.

The city's Lulamile Mapholoba says they plan to use money received from the debt collection campaigns.

"We have got to reinforce our credit and debt collection policy and ensure that those people who cannot afford to pay they come forward and those who can afford to pay they must pay."

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