MK Party raises concerns about Zuma’s safety

MK Party raises concerns about Zuma’s safety

The Umkonto We Sizwe Party has expressed concern over Jacob Zuma's safety and security. 

Former South African president Jacob Zuma IN MK PARTY REGALIA
Photo by Ihsaan HAFFEJEE / AFP

It’s after the vehicle the former president and his protectors were traveling in collided with another vehicle on Thursday evening near Eshowe.

KZN Police have confirmed that the driver of the other vehicle, who is believed to have been under the influence of alcohol has been arrested.

The party says Zuma has been involved in two accidents in a space of a year, claiming both involved drunk drivers. 

ALSO READ: Jacob Zuma survives crash, ‘drunk’ driver arrested

MK party spokesperson, Nhlamulo Ndlela claims Zuma's safety has been jeopardized.

Ndlela says this is due to his security detail including his vehicle being in disrepair and dilapidated.

"The president's fleet is old, it hasn't been changed; it hasn't been upgraded and every single time there is new administration they bring in a new fleet of car. When Cyril came in, they never upgraded his fleet, why?"

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