IEC: Printing of ballot papers completed

IEC: Printing of ballot papers completed

The Independent Electoral Commission says its completed the printing of ballot papers for Wednesday's general election.

IEC's Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo says ready for citizens to cast votes abroad
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The commission launched the National Results Operations Centre or ROC in Midrand on Wednesday.

"This ROC is the foundation upon which transparency rests,” IEC CEO Sy Mamabolo said. 

“All role players will have appropriate access to system-based reports. The results of each voting station once audited will be instantaneously availed to political parties and the media through an application programme interface. The ROC will be an enduring symbol of our electoral architecture." 

READ: IEC: Higher turnout of overseas voters in 2024

Mamabolo said they will administer about 1.6 million special votes on Monday and Tuesday. 

KwaZulu-Natal has the second highest number of special votes, after Gauteng. 

Mamabolo says 84% of the voting staff at the various polling stations are unemployed people.

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